Maddalena Maietta: ESR-10 Institution: Lemer Pax Nationality: Italian |
Working field: New shielded packaging container for future nuclear medicine isotopes produced at the CERN-MEDICIS facility. In order to transport the isotopes produced at the CERN-MEDICIS facility to different Research Institute or Laboratories, a new shielded container has to be developed. Indeed, the Activity threshold for the non-conventional isotopes transport given by the current European regulation is lower than the classical Activity needed for human injection. A safety transport has to be made using a ‘type B’ container. A system aiming to directly collect the isotopes coming from the MEDICIS mass separator into the shipping container will be designed. Part of this project is also the study of the mass separation and the definition of the best production parameters of some interesting isotopes for nuclear medicine research, in particular At-211 and Sc-47. |
Post no.
ESR 10
36 months
Work package
WP1, D1.4: New shielded packaging container for nuclear medicine isotopes
Recruiting partner
Lemer Pax, France
Develop a new type B certified shipping container dedicated to transport new isotopes issued from CERN-MEDICIS project and work on mass separation process for new isotopes production.
Expected results
The student will work on mass separation as well as on the design of a new type B container to accommodate these isotopes. • Identification of the typical isotopes (149,152,155,161Tb, 177Lu, 47, 48,49Sc, etc.) produced by the mass separation process • Participation to the data collection in ISOLDE / MEDICIS experiments • Study of off-line mass separation process for alpha emitter 210/211At produced with an alpha beam • Study of the European regulation for the safe transport of radioactive material (IAEA SSR-6) and identification of shipment threshold activities for the identified isotopes • Radioprotection study and calculation of protection thickness through Monte-Carlo simulations • Study of an innovative system aiming to directly transfer the isotopes from the MEDICIS mass separator into the shipping container • Design of prototype including thermal and Mechanical resistance studies • Preparation of type B homologation dossier
Enrolment for PhD at
SUBATECH Nantes, France
Planned secondment(s)
ILL, France – 3 months – Dr U. Koester, validation of principle
CERN – 3 months – Dr J. Vollaire (Radiation Protection), Monte-Carlo simulations
Deadline for applications is midnight (Geneva time) 2nd August 2015. Apply here