The MEDICIS target station (or Frontend) includes a coupling flange held at a potential ranging from 30 kV to 60 kV and an extraction electrode placed after an acceleration gap, in a distance ranging from 50 to 100 mm from the ion source's exit. An Einzel lens is used to shape the ion beam downstream of the extraction electrode. A XY electrostatic deflector at 5 kV is located between the Einzel lens and the extraction electrode.
The MEDICIS frontend uses an ISOLDE target unit which contains target material placed inside a tubular oven (container). The container is connected to an ion source via a transfer line. The target is heated up to high temperatures, typically above 2000°C, to allow for the diffusion and effusion of the atoms out of the target to an ion source for subsequent ionization. The ions are then accelerated and sent through a mass separator.
CERN-MEDICIS received the mass separator (dipole magnet) from KU Leuven (Belgium) as an in-kind contribution to the collaboration. It has been modified to allow its use with MELISSA.