Applications closed:

  • Applied physicist or engineer staff on ion beam manipulation, related to isotope mass separation techniques applied at ISOLDE and MEDICIS; more information and to apply click here. op

  • Applied physicist or engineer staff in directorate's office, expertise in particle accelerator technologies and international collaborations, to identify and develop CERN accelerator technology for societal benefit, with a focus on medical fields; more information and to apply click here. ope.

  • Please be informed about 3 Auxiliary Contract Staff vacancies at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Geel, Belgium in the Unit G.II.5 of Directorate G – Nuclear Safety & Security.

    1.       a well-motivated, dynamic, result-oriented technician with educational background in chemistry, physics, material science or engineering.

    The job holder will support activities in the nuclear and non-nuclear target preparation laboratories. He/she will also assist in the technical implementation of the Periodic Safety Review (PSR).

  • How to apply:

    Contract Agent FG III - Laboratory Technician - Scientific and technical support officer – Technician supporting to nuclear science and laboratory safety - JRC GII.5 Nuclear Data and Measurement Standards

    Auxiliary Contract Staff position  Code 2024-GEE-GII5-FGIII-025386 Deadline for applications: 5 June 2024 - 23.59 CET 

    2.       a well-motivated, dynamic, result-oriented technician with educational background in chemistry (preferably in the field of inorganic or analytical chemistry), physics or material science.

    The job holder will design and carry out laboratory experiments for the preparation of nuclear targets and nuclear reference materials for inter-laboratory comparisons

  • How to apply:

    Contract Agent FG III - Laboratory Technician - Scientific and technical support officer – Technician for nuclear target and reference material preparation - JRC GII.5 Nuclear Data and Measurement Standards

    Auxiliary Contract Staff position  Code 2024-GEE-GII5-FGIII-025387 Deadline for applications: 5 June 2024 - 23.59 CET 

    3.       a well-motivated, dynamic, result-oriented PhD in Nuclear Physics or Nuclear Engineering with prior experience in experimental nuclear reaction studies or related experiments at a particle accelerator.

    The job holder will support the JRC experimental programme for neutron-induced reaction studies in the interest of nuclear science applications, in particular nuclear energy.

    The job holder will work at the electron linear accelerator based neutron time-of-flight laboratory.

  • How to apply:

    Contract Agent FG IV – Project Officer - Science and Research - JRC GII.5 Nuclear Data and Measurement Standards

    Auxiliary Contract Staff position  Code 2024-GEE-GII5-FGIV-025364 Deadline for applications: 16 September 2024 - 23.59 CET

    Interested candidates from the 27 EU Member States and from Ukraine, being a third country associated to the Euratom Research and Training Programme, are eligible to apply! 

    You will find all information on how to express your interest as EC Contract staff in the vacancy notices and in: Jobs at the JRC and JRC Recruitment Portal




  • TRIUMF lifescience department has four post-doc openings. More information can be obtained through Valery Radchenko.


  • PSI

PSI-FELLOW-III-3i / Postdoctoral Fellows (f/m/d)

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland. We perform cutting-edge research in the fields of matter and materials, energy and environment and human health. By performing fundamental and applied research, we work on sustainable solutions for major challenges facing society, science and economy. PSI is committed to the training of future generations. Therefore, about one quarter of our staff are post-docs, post-graduates or apprentices. Altogether, PSI employs 2100 people.

In the framework of the international fellowship program with the acronym: "PSI-FELLOW-III-3i", the PSI is inviting experienced researchers (Postdocs) from all over the world to submit their applications for research positions that are part of our new postdoctoral program. Our "3i or triple i" postdoctoral program offers unique opportunities for scientific and career development with international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral prospects. Our postdoctoral program is a Horizon2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND Action (grant agreement 884104).

We have put forward a theme titled "Mass separation and laser ionization towards Isotope Separation OnLine (ISOL) techniques" (listing at . This position deals with the R&D of the on-line laser resonance ionization and mass separation for the ISOL-based radionuclide production as part of the IMPACT large facility initiative ( and is expected to be extended during the construction phase of IMPACT into a tenure-track permanent scientist position for TATTOOS in 2025.

The deadline for applications will be 30 November 2022, 24:00 CET.

Please connect to the job-offer website and the PSI-FELLOW-III-3i website (links below) and obtain important information about the eligibility criteria and the application process.

Link to full posting:

Please contact Nick van der Meulen, if you are interested.



Opening for  a postdoc position at TRIUMF with a focus on mercury-197 radiochemistry and chelation. More details on…, post JR100262

  • Open job opportunities within the DOE Isotope Program Community. More info here.
  1. Postdoctoral Scholar - Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan
  2. Linac Facility Engineer/Accelerator Operator, Argonne National Laboratory
  3. Accelerator Operator, Argonne National Laboratory
  • AAA/Novartis - Italy

The Advanced Accelerator Applications, a Novartis company, is searching for a Research Senior Scientist for the New Isotopes Research group, who will be based in Italy. More information here.


PhD thesis on production and purification of metastable Xenon for the gamma-MRI project at CERN. Deadline for application 24th of March 2021. More information here.

  • GSI - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research

GSI - FAIR in Darmstadt (Germany) is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher with a PhD in Nuclear Physics (posting ID: 1230-20.52) to join a multidisciplinary team of experts in nuclear and atomic physics, ion optics, PET imaging and biophysics. The term of appointment is for 3 years. Applicants are invited to submit a cover letter, a CV that includes contact information for three references and a publication list by September 6th 2020 via e-mail to

  • Hevesy Lab

Hevesy Lab at DTU Riso, Denmark, has an open permanent position for a "Cyclotron & Radionuclide Specialist for Medical Isotopes". Deadline for application 21st of May 2020. More information on the vacancy note can be found here.


SCK CEN, Mol, Belgium, has an open position for a "Researcher for preclinical studies of radiopharmaceuticals". Deadline for application 3rd of June 2020. More information on the vacancy note can be found here.


Target and ion source développement permanent position open at GANIL. Deadline for application 2nd July. More information can be found on French CNRS website (select consultez les offres/Normandie).

  • Fermilab

FNL is looking for a senior target scientist to develop its Mu2e target station. More info here.

  • KULeuven/JRC Karlsruhe

Joint PhD position at KULeuven - JRC_Karlsruhe. More info here